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New Study Identifies Psychological distress during the Pandemic

North Carolina State University conducted a new study that found more people showed signs of Psychological distress during the Covid 19 pandemic. The results also point to differences due to income status and where people live. Thomas RaShad Easley tries to walk 4 miles every day, often around Raleigh’s Lake Johnson. Outdoor exercise is important to him.

Easley said that if anything is going to coop you up inside, that’s the worst thing for your health. So activity helps me by keeping my mind clear. Maintaining mental and physical well-being can be a greater challenge. Survey participants indicated their feeling of general mental wellness with a focus on physical activity. Haynes Maslow said that the more physically active they were they felt better.

The survey brought real life challenges for exercise due to lingering COVID-19 concerns. Haynes-Maslow said that a lot of urban individuals and respondents talked about gym closures that were being difficult. Survey responses show residents of urban areas have less access to safe places for exercise. Those in rural areas have more outdoor options for activity, while higher income groups have more flexible schedules and easier access to things like home exercise equipment.

The extra duties can leave little time or energy for exercise. However, Easley makes his step count his daily guide and a high personal priority. Haynes-Maslow says a key take-home message is that policy-makers need to think more about investing in new infrastructure for safer, walkable communities especially in under-served communities.

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